Hola chicas! Thanks for checking out my new website! I'm glad you're here. This is the best place for you to watch and listen to my latest musical performances, get updates on my life, and buy Ellie Maxwell merchandise. This blog page will be were I give you regular written and video updates about what's going on with me. Talk soon!
9.Septemper 2020
Hola chicas!
I've been getting back into the flow of being present on my social media.
After 4 years of homeschooling, I’m heading back to the classroom this year! I'll have to see how it goes, because I wouldn’t want to endanger my singing career.
As a homeschooler, I’ve never had to worry about homework and I’ve always had plenty of time for singing practice. To be honest, I'm mostly nervous about the homework, but I'm
also super excited for this chance to reconnect with my friends.
I’m going to do my best to continue posting regularly on my YouTube channel and on all of my social media platforms. Let’s stay connected!